Why Does Gen X Use Ellipses and Why Does Gen Z Care?
It’s the trending question of the year: why does Gen X overuse ellipses? But on a different note, why do ellipses bother Gen Z? Answering both of these questions for you today!

Jump Scared by a Whale Shark: A Scuba Diving Story
Have you ever wondered what swimming with a whale shark is like? This is a story of getting jump scared by one.

Say Goodbye to Orcas: Why Storytelling Is Deadlier Than Killer Whales
What’s deadlier than a killer whale? Storytelling, and this is why. Read on to learn a better way to talk about the orca encounters in the Iberian Peninsula.

Hiring a Freelance Website Copywriter? 5 Things You Can Expect
We’ve outlined 5 things to expect from a freelance website copywriter. If your conversion rates haven’t changed since your marketing campaign, it’s time to bring in a copywriter who knows their stuff!

The Goals of Copy and Content—Similarities You Need To Know
Copy versus content: you need both but what does each one do? Deep dive into the goals of these necessary marketing techniques. They’re more similar than you may think!

5 Ways To Improve Your Website Copy Right Now
You have website traffic, so why can’t you convert viewers to subscribers? You may have a problem with your website copy. Read on to learn five quick ways to solve your copywriting issues!